When asking questions in forums like Stack Overflow, I think it is helpful to clearly and completely explain your problem to avoid attracting the snarks.  Mind you this is no guarantee to avoid snarky comments, but should help you get your answer more quickly.

  1. Describe observed behavior
  2. Describe expected behavior
  3. Provide code and a link to code in jsfiddle, codepen, plunker, dotnetfiddle or the like
  4. Describe where you think the problem is
  5. Describe what you have tried
  6. Share any warnings or errors
  7. Provide environment version information
  8. Provide helpful screenshots

I found this great advice from Ziyad Yehia in his course The Python Bible.  This is super obvious when you think about it.  I guess I hadn’t thought about it much.  Thank you Ziyad!